Good morning, little tired knee is sore with this wonderful weather that keeps changing. I started the morning out with spin class with Ann. Then off for quick breakfast, before a workout with christine in Manahawkin.
Did 30min of boxing w/Christine then weights little sore today. After meeting with Christine sat down with Ken (ken is a trainer w/specializing in nutrition) did some calculations we made some modifications and going to try for a week see how things go. When we do measurements on Tuesday we will re-evaluate and make changes as necessary.
Worked with Ann on the reformer and of course she asked me if I weighed myself and I looked away and said of course. I told Ann if she can figure out a way to get me not to weigh Christine would probably pay her because Christine has been working on that before we even started training so good luck with that one. I explained I’m over the number theory of the scale I dont weigh to get all worried about the numbers its the accountability that I have with the scale. What I mean is it keeps me in check with my diet because the thought of stepping on the scale make me stay in line with it and my trainers have access to it. Not that they judge but working with them is like having sisters they kick crap out of me but also would defend me in heartbeat. Besides with the diet change they gave me a reason to watch the numbers. No need to break scale 😆
Try to find my scale Christine and Ann you will never find it and if you do, I have plenty hidden away 😂.
Best thing about my trainers
One of the best things that I like about my trainers is they are very passionate none of them are shy or afraid to express an opinion. If they dont agree with something or feel very strong about a subject matter they have no problems sharing. Whether they agree with each other or not they respect each others opinions and know and understand that I will ultimately be the 1 to make final decision. 😆
Do Trainers Really know what it’s like?
Had a friend recently ask how do you do it? These people have no idea what it is like to have issues with weight or food, and they look amazing, so I decided to do some research.
I initially used to think these people have no idea what it is like to go through the process of dealing with weight and food issues. It was my assumption they were the wrestlers, football players, cheerleaders and other athletes. Over the last almost 12months I have spoken to many people in the fitness industry from front desk people, group excercise, trainers and even management one thing I have learned is that not all of them but many of them have delt with some type of weight or food issue. Many of them have delt with issues for many years and the reason they got into the industry is someone inspired them to change and they want to help change peoples lives.
As I have said in past trainers and people in the fitness industry arent typically millionaires. They get paid but they really love changing peoples lives and see people make positive changes in their daily lives and when they see someone making a bad decision they help guide them to the better action and how to avoid the bad habbits that we may have gone to in the past. Remember in the begining I used to have a hate for trainers prior to Christine. Remember what assuming does.