1/29/17 Day 20 of Weightloss Challenge/Rest Day

I slept amazing after yesterday.  When I woke up it felt like little pulsating in my back feels great.  I’m assuming that is a good thing 🙂  When I woke up I actually realized that while it was great that Ann made an adjustment on the spin bike for me I wasn’t thinking and never looked at what the new setting were.

Today is that wonderful rest day that I am not particularly fond of it but it gives me time to take care of the paperwork in the office and trainer required.

The Banquet

Last night it went pretty well I had my intentions set for fish after Megan and I spoke after my massage she said whatever I do don’t mess this up or Ann will go Estonia on you.  She also mentioned if it is a banquet there is typically fish and fill the plate with green and I will be fine.   Well, when dinner was served of course it wasn’t the “typical banquet” food pasta’s ham smothered and covered, chiekn parm more various pasta salads grrrr.  They did have green beans and a salad that I was able to pick apart, I didn’t want to not eat so I txt’d Ann because I didn’t want to mess this up too bad and at least if I followed her instructions it wouldn’t be completely my fault lol.  She responded within a few minutes telling me to watch my portions and to go heavy on the salad and green beans and go with 1/2 piece of chicken parm.   Dessert was easy because even though of course the desserts were right behind my table I was asked if I wouldn’t mind selling raffle prizes enviormental control issue solved while I couldn’t actually truly control the environment I was able to get a distraction so I wouldn’t be near and tempted and by the time I got done selling the tickets all of the desserts were gone.  I had stored away in my pocket just in case 2 bags of 100 calorie almonds to nibble on.

I was complimented by many people on the weight loss.  The last time most of them saw me was the beginning of December and that said there was a very obvious difference.  Had a quite a bit of people asking me how I am doing it told them I have a team of wonderful people who are pushing me and I am still not where I want to be yet but I am getting there.


Well while at the banquet I kept hearing people oh you have to starve yourself to loose weight and all of the bad things and incorrect information that is out there.  I have definitely decided that whether it is part time or full time I want to work in the fitness industry to help and motivate people.


The weight loss challenge

The weight loss challenge is going well overall I am having fun staying motivated I love the improvements that are happening I am not very patient at times and wish things happened at a more rapid pace but I am very happy.   I’m going to have a little fun with Team Amy for the weight loss challenge have a txt message setup to send over her one day this week before her team works out to create a little rivalry between the teams and spice things up a little bit since our team is the only one appearing publicly they must be afraid of “The Warrior Princess” (Ann.)



I am updating the site and there should be more bio’s coming soon for the trainers.  I was bored today on my rest day so I decided to add theme songs for my trainers to go with their nick name lol See what happens what I don’t go to the gym.



Music is a very powerful tool, to me music has a special meaning.  I don’t just listen to music because of a favorite artist, or for the name of a song.  For me music has a very powerful and and emotional meaning.  Today I took the the in afternoon to go for a walk on beach and just think about life in general, thinking about good and bad things in life.  Below are some songs that have had meaning to me over the years.



Some of my upcoming goals i’d like to accomplish

  1. Get to my goal weight and accomplish my fitness goals
  2. make some career changes
  3. find someone to spend my life with