2/4/17 Day 26 Weightloss Challenge/ Great Day

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Woke up nice and refreshed, had great breakfast before spin.



Spin was great burned almost 900 calories and a whole lot of sweat going on.  The spin classes besides working my legs are helping me prep for IPMBA (International Police Mountain Bike Certification in EMS.

Tough Mudder

Going to be signing up this week for the Tough Mudder in Pennsylvania.  Nicole, Christine several of the trainers/staff and members from Manahawkin  are putting together a team. 😆  I  never would have thought that I could do this. Im up for the challenge.

Workout on own today

Headed to Manahawkin early afternoon and did some stretches and excercises with weight and ball to strengthen back and open up the chest.  When I got there saw Nicole she looks amazing.  Can see her thinning out even more and building the shoulder and arms.  We were talking and how we dont notice change on ourselves but we notice the difference on other people.  She is getting ready for her cruise in 2 weeks.  She got some workouts from Eric for while she is on the cruise.  Nicole mentioned that she worked out with Christine and was so sore afterwards.

Overall had a really great day.  Stayed within my calorie range.

Healthy food

One of nice things I learned is that if you search for recipes on the internet and put clean eating before it the search results comes up with recipes with healthy and good tasting versions of popular food items.  Going to do some experimenting soon.