3/30/17/ Thursday/Ann Kicked my ass/ Myzone/

Blog Status : Complete

Well I wasn’t thinking straight before I went to bed last night and forgot to change my alarm for today.  I woke up at 345 thinking that I had to go to Manahawkin then realized what are you doing it’s thursday.  I don’t have to be awake until lik 730 if i really push it 815 so I can be to Mashup at 0915.

Well I pushed it oops lol didn’t leave house until like 845 which gives me just enough time to get there.


Had a very quick breakfast 1 cup of oats had to skip eggs this morning due to running late.


Ann Really pushed me

I got the myzone over the weekend and been slowly utilizing it with my workouts.  Christine, Lisa “mom” and Katie can see my workouts and I can see theirs also.  The myzone is wonderful there is one down side and it’s really a myzone flaw but a phone/device flaw.  In order to see the live feed you need to use a device with bluetooth and it just drains the batter hard and fast. I decided today I am going to use it on my tablet so I can see it easier and well I will be at the gym for back to back classes using on my phone kills the phone in about 50min.

I setup the screen next to my step for Mashup and Ann noticed it and asked if that was myzone screen I said yes.  We got got started and I hear the words you goal is 93% but you better keep it above 80%.  About 30 seconds goes by and well she decided lets have a little fun.  She brought the screen to front so everyone can see if I slack off.  If I went into the green which was below 80% she had something up her sleeve (go figure.)

I worked really hard it pushed me not to mention there was like over 20 people in the room I really didn’t want to be the sole reason we are doing push ups or a hiit drill.  I only let it drop twice.  Below is a video that was taken.  Ann was the first one to get me to 100%.   The way it works is you input in your profile height weight age and it calculates based on national standards the percentage and max rate that I should exercise at.   Currently my 100% is 180 pulse rate.   The device is a strap that goes around the center of my chest.    The warrior princess and Angle eyes have an ongoing friendly competition to see who can get me to work harder.  I think this device is more accurate than my watch and well it is real time so they can see it.  It has lots of benefits for group ex instructors and trainers.   It has been told to me that titlon/meridian fitness centers will be installing remote receivers so you don’t have to use your phone or tablet to view.  I think it can make people be challenged more as well as help the instrucotrs gauge classes by seeing how participants that have the device are doing in the class.  So in short during Mashup I got my ass kicked.

Myzone information

Myzone Link to purchase  ($50.00 discount using this link)


Larry is using his new MYZONE! MYZONE helps track your effort while working out. Call us or stop in for more info!

Posted by Tilton Fitness ~ Galloway on Thursday, March 30, 2017



Great Stretch I am noticing more movement and can reach further in this class


Pt- Session w/Ann

It was not the most pleasant session.  It had been a week since was a reformer doing hip work and well it showed.  I was very sore afterwards but this needs to be done to get the hip flexor loose.


Urban Kick

Great urban kick class burned more in the morning class.  I was in the high end of red during the morning mashup class body can only go super hard for so long before it says rest time.   We will have to see who gets me in the red more the warrior princess or angel eyes.