2/26/17 Day 48 of Weightloss Challenge

Blog status: complete

Woke up feeling great, doing a fasting workout.

The agenda planning for today.

Club strength – steph manahawkin

Body blast – christine manahawkin

Body combat – christine

Club strength

Did pretty good had a lot of dead lifts and squats and other variety of workouts.  I burned 264 calories in 45min.

Changed the agenda

Ok changed my mind for today for couple of reasons steph’s class was a nice warmup did feel the shoulders working.  I opted to go down to galloway for spin and shred because tomorrow I will be doing a long as day dont want to completly kill the upperbody before tomorrow.

Before spin

I setup my bike, had some time so I did the elipitical for about 10min.  After I finished the elipitcal saw Jenn down stairs who thanked me for my email.  I had sent the regional training director about the weightloss competition and Ann.  I had a few suggestions/recomendations at the end.  Jen sent me a reply this morning asking if I wouldnt mind providing a before/after picture for them to use.  Everyone has been wonderful at meridian fitness in manahawkin and tilton fitness in galloway (they are one company of many facilities.)  One thing to remember  you need to trust and have faith in your trainer.  I can speak for meridian/tilton fitness when I say they won’t steer u wrong they all truely have expert knowledge and a very valuable resource.


Took spin with Carol, first time I took her class and enjoyed it. One of the things she does is there was a few of us new to her class she went around and introduced herself.  She also goes around to everyone’s bike and gave the handlebar screw an additional tighten.  I worked hard, you realize your motivated when your doing a class  you start think about  starting to slack off and you hear this faint voice in your head saying “i see you” or “why are slowing down.” Then you start pushing yourself to do better and achieve more.  Carol got a good laugh out of me when she made an attempt to mimick Ann.  Carol said part way through ok faster faster then she tried to immitate Ann’s accent and said as Ann would say foster foster.  Many people can try to immitate but could never duplicate Ann.  Ann has a take charge voice especially when she is pushing people to expectation or potential (its a good thing.)  One of the reasons I have her nick name of “Warrior Princess”  looks like an angel but will push u hard and she is 100 % full of power.  I burned 787 calories in spin have another work out with short break between.


This is my first bodyshred with Lisa (n-field) I used to take Lisa’s body combat in northfield in the evening time.  I do enjoy her classes, the class was a good class sweat hard burned calories muscles and body was already warm.  She enjoy boxing so her cardio potion of the bodyshred has a boxing component which I enjoyed. I burned 437 calories so far I am up to 3,272 burned for the day.

Whats on my mind 

The strugle is real

A few things that have come across my mind.  Well I am starting back to my seasonal job at race track doing fire rescue ems for a drag strip (Atco Dragway.) My mind is a little concerned with temptation one of the previous perks for me at the track was the free food.  They have anything and everything fried.  I’m hoping when I start back this Saturday I stay away from the concession area except to get water/ice.  Food has been one of my biggest struggles and my passion for it.  One thing that I have learned throughout this journey is that my love for food won’t ever go away but knowing how to control urges and how to put healthy food in my body to fuel it has greatly changed my life.

Recomendation for trainers and people doing a weight loss journey.

We as people are so hyper-critical of ourselves that we dont notice changes unless we see numbers.  If you read some of my  early posts you saw me say that scale numbers arent everything, but how else do we see change?

Couple things I would suggest have a trainer do

  1.  Monthly measurements you may not immediate see the results because we as humans are so critical but when you hear the trainer say ur waist went down or your arms went up it helps you feel that your investment is paying off.  I used to look at weightloss as its supposed to happen quick but I have taken a different approach. Im not a big finance guy but look at it like a savings bond you invest money to gain more in the end now a typical savings bond takes 20yrs to mature fitness does happen faster then that.  But remember in the begining the changes may not be very noticable but as time passes and you keep up the dedication and hard work it does have a high payout.
  2.  Taking pictures trust me in the begining its not a comfortable feeling but it gets easier as you become more comfortable.  If you would have told me 13 months ago your going to be a waist size 34 from a 48 I probably would have laughed so hard and said you need a drug test because your on something.  Well it happened I am now a 34″ pants. I remember the 1st class I took and the thought of omg this room has mirrors lots of them and big ones.
  3. Keep a log book or online journal of how your feeling.  Don’t filter your thoughts trust me ur trainer will not be offended by you telling them you hate them or you dont like them (little hint thats a trainer compliment.) There are days that will be easy others will be hard both physical and emotional.  The more the trainer knows about you the more they can motivate you and keep you on track.
  4. Make sure your trainer knows everything your doing especially in the begining they dont want to overwork ur muscles.  Remember there is a difference between overwork and conditioning which is why communication is essential.
  5. Have an open mind,  a good trainer knows how to push you hard and keep you happy and motivated.  They really do know what they are talking about.  I fought christine for months when I started telling her she was wrong, the diet isn’t working.  The problem wasnt the diet, excercises or christine it was me.  I was trying to make everything easier, cheating on the mealplan and I loved excuses had an excuse for everything.  Till we had a come to jesus talk by her telling me to stop with the excuses, and that i need to get in the gym more not just for sessions.  Something to remember what you have been doing probably isnt working so be open minded to their ideas and suggestions they want to see u succeed. Trainers love success stories.
  6. Dont forget to take time for yourself rest days are important. The mind, body and muscles need a break.  I see “magic megan” over at cloud 9 spa every 2 weeks. When im there nothing matters its my time to relaxe and let the mind and muscles get repaired.
  7. Meet people at the gym, everyone starts at different levels.  Body builders dont become body builders over night it takes time and dedication to achieve goals.  Everyone has different reasons for goals and behind every person at the gym there is a story.
  8. Keep your goals to the “smart” acronym. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Dont set a goal to loose 40 lbs in 30 days two things that not realistic and not safe. Safety is number 1.
  9. Dont forget to have fun

Meal Prep Day

Went to bj’s bought

3 jars of organic natural peanutbutter

10lbs of boneless chicken breats

69 oz of salsa

Two 4 packs of steam fresh mixed veg (only 25grams salt)

6 dozen eggs.

2 boxes of blue diamond 100 calorie packs (32 packs in each box)

1 jar of peanutbutter and 1 box of the almonds will be kept in my work ambulance so that I always have it handy.

I always keep a jar of peanutbutter in gym bag also.  Especially with this week being final week of weightloss challenge.  Lots of intense workouts.

Plan for tomorrow

5am Bootcamp – manahawkin w/diedre

6am Spin – manahawkin w/lisa

Maybe 8am – galloway full body burn w/franklin

0915 body pump – Ann

1015 urban kick – Ann

1115 quick shower/peanutbutter

1130 30min (reformer) session w/Ann

Lunch 1pm

Nap 1:30 – 245

Feeding before ann and megan kick my ass

3:30pm boot camp – galloway magic megan

430pm fit blast w/ann

530 go home and relaxe because my body is going to be sore all over.