Well woke up few times last night lil nervous about the weighin. No matter what the contest results are I won. I am thinner, feel great, have learned a lot. It would be nice to win but id be ok if I didnt. I am working on my cert through ace on nutrition. One of my near future goals is to help other people get motivated and change their life. I had a dream weight of being 235 before this weightloss challenge ever happened. Did I meet that no but I am perfectly content with that because I am only 2lbs away. My next goal over time will be around 200, after taking with Dr J he thinks that around that number I will feel truely comfortable. I have no time limit because I am happy and healthy.
I was talking to a woman from the gym had overheard some people talking about the weightloss challenge and asked me about I explained it and told her and showed her what I used to look like. She goes wow that was you before u were fit. I wouldnt consider myself fit but I consider myself healthy and happy. It was a little bit of a shock to hear someone associate my name and fit in the same sentence.
No breakfast till after weighin
On the lineup for today
Weighin weighloss challenge
Fit blast / have to leave early
Magic Megan – 1hr of pure relaxation after a hell of a week.
Dana – i think i have a lifting session with dana at 4pm but have to check.
Weigh in
Did finaly weigh in total weightloss for the challenge 30.7lbs.
Total weightloss since January 11th 2016 130lbs I am beyond happy. Words cant describe my true feelings. After weighin Ann asked if I was doing fit blast I said I have to leave early have an appt with magic megan. I was asked what I am doing after and was told I am to do nothing but eat and enjoy the day. So my planned scheduled went out the window. 😆
Fit Blast
I did fit blast for about 25 min got a good workout.
Quick shower
Magic Megan
It was amazing, one of the things megan did when giving my massage was took a look at my hip flexors and noticed my left is actually very loose but weak my rightnis very tight. I had told her about my hip issues as a baby with bat shoes and how they screwed up my knees by turning at the knees instead of hips. She believes that is probably when my hip flexor issue probably started. Because of my weight and lack of energy with sitting and not be active made it worse as time went on. To help with the hip flexors she did a deep massage with cups to stimulate them.
We also had some really great conversation regarding balance regarding gym and personal life. I need to start to slow down I have worked very hard during the weightloss challenge. If I over due the gym it’s going to burn me out and the gym wont be fun anymore. I wont want to be there, she shared some personal experiences. She wouldnt want me to experience a set back because of it.
Megan also gave me some information on a place called staying a float nj https://www.stayingafloatnj.com it is down the street from the gym and cloud 9. She did it and explained how relaxing it is for the body.
I took a lot out of this session with Megan. She recomded I take the weekend off to just relaxe and give the body time to heal.
Plans for tomorrow
Doing a ceu class for my EMT certification. Just going to enjoy the weekend. Might take a ride out to race track to check over the ambulance and rescue equipment.
I really feel blessed that I have met so many amazing people who have dealt with me being a pain in the ass, stubborn, my negativity. Even through all of hell I have put them through a long this journey they are always there and look out for me its something I’m not used to. Im typically used to people who will throw you under a bus in a heartbeat, there have been many changes in my life so far and future ones to come. This challenge and weightloss journey has made me find myself and who I a truely am and not what people make me out to be. When you get used to hearing so much negativity after time you start to actually believe it until you make changes in your life that make you realize who u really are and who they really are.